Meet Bocaliner™

What Makes It Revolutionary

Transforms how we treat mouth sores, dry mouth, oral mucositis, and accelerated tooth decay

Get ready to experience a whole new level
of oral care with these exciting feature:

Soft and Lightweight

Bocaliner™ is crafted using state-of-the-art materials to ensure a soft and lightweight design. Say goodbye to discomfort and embrace a soothing experience.

Reusable and Easy to Clean

Each Bocaliner™ device is built to last. Simply clean it after each use, and you're ready for another round of soothing oral care.

Perfect Fit for Everyone

Bocaliner™ comes in two convenient sizes to cater to different needs. Choose between the standard blue or the aqua small size, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit for everyone.

Enhanced Topical Effectiveness

Bocaliner™ keeps more of your topical medications in the mouth for a longer time to help with their effectiveness for a variety of oral conditions.

Prolonged Treatment Duration

Bocaliner™ increases the time that topical oral therapies stay inside the mouth, maximizing their therapeutic potential. Say goodbye to quick rinses and hello to extended care.

Accelerated Sublingual Absorption

Bocaliner™ doesn't stop at improving topical treatments. Our studies show that Bocaliner speeds up absorption of sublingual treatments, such as CBD.

Transform your oral health journey and experience the
future of oral care with Bocaliner™

The Brilliant Minds Behind Bocaliner™

Dr. Eli D. Ehrenpreis, CEO

CEO and Science Advisor for E2Bio Life Sciences
30 years of experience as an academic physician specializing in gastroenterology and clinical pharmacology.
Received medical training at the University of Illinois Medical Center and Northwestern University Medical Center.
Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology.
Completed Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology.
Served as Director of GI Fellowship Training Programs at the University of Chicago and NorthShore University HealthSystems.
Associate Director for Research for the Internal Medicine residency program at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital.
Published over 180 peer-reviewed medical papers and 30 book chapters.
Author and editor of seven medical textbooks, including “Radiation Therapy for Pelvic Malignancies and Its Consequences” published by Springer Nature Publishers.
Renowned expert in various common and rare diseases.
Made significant discoveries in complications of cancer therapy.
Inventor of Bocaliner™ and actively involved in its scientific, regulatory, and its clinical development.

Ana E. Ehrenpreis, Vice President

Vice President of E2Bio Life Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Loyola University.
Certified phlebotomist.
Diverse industry experience in banking and healthcare.
20 years of expertise in coordinating clinical research projects.
Active involvement in designing, testing, and collecting patient experience data on Bocaliner.

Benjamin Z. Ehrenpreis, COO

Chief Operating Officer of E2Bio Life Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Northeastern Illinois University.
Master of Arts Degree in Crisis and Trauma Studies from Tel Aviv University.
Master of Social Work degree from Dominican University in Chicago, Illinois.
Experience as a school social worker in the North Chicago School System.
Sixteen years of online retail and sales experience as a small business owner.
Played a critical role in the initial design and testing of Bocaliner™.
Actively involved in developing the structure and functional aspects of the business side of E2Bio Life Sciences.
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