Bocaliner Phase 1 Clinical Trial Presented at the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer

The Phase 1 clinical trial of Bocaliner has been completed and data collected from this study has been presented at the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) meeting in Nara. The meeting is attended by health care providers, oncologists, surgeons and palliative medicine specialists from around the world. Many of the meeting attendees take care of patients with oral mucositis. The study was presented by Dr. Yervand Hakobyan the Chief and Medical Director of the Hematology Center after R. Yeolyan in Yerevand, Armenia and was conducted by a group of practitioners there. The study was performed on patients with hematologic malignancies that were undergoing intravenous chemotherapy to treat their cancer. The presentation, titled Tolerability and Safety of a New Oral Device (Bocalinerâ„¢) for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Oral Mucositis, showed that Bocaliner was well tolerated in two thirds of the patients in the study. All study patients were able to continue using Bocaliner for 2 weeks. Improved eating and less mouth pain were reported in 25% of patients using Bocaliner. The study authors concluded that Bocaliner was well tolerated with low toxicity with blood malignancies undergoing chemotherapy. The study was very well received at MASCC.

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